Monday, 1 November 2010

Life begins.... tomorrow!

Its funny how distance distorts time - a major life shift changes your perception of the world and suddenly the familiar disappears into the ether and you find yourself in a surreal dream 300 miles down the road.

The characters are the same - it's definitely you, your clothes, your toothbrush, your favourite mug.  Yup,  its definitely Tilly-dog - and absolutely the correct husband (do I really have one? Was that really 5 months ago?)

I remember Saturday morning - a van load, a house clean, a day at work. Getting used to being a white van man (loving the bouncy seat!) a long drive home to the mater, a bit of a catastrophe with an up-turned paint can in the van, 6 rolls of kitchen towel and 4 hours of cleaning, fireworks, halloween, a job application, collection of atable, delivery of a bed and a 300 mile drive...

Arrival.  A cup of tea.  Yes.  Much needed.

A trip to the new studio to deliver the van load (in the dark).  The empty Victorian Bakery, the long corridors - signs of life in the day and yet just me and the Mr, secretly unloading through a side door.  Its raining.  I feel like a burglar - trespassing.  A long walk down the corridor - and we get to the studio door.

And there it is - my name, my logo, a freshly glossed crisp white door.

Original floorboards re-invigorated - a bespoke desk long enough to keep my machines up ALL THE TIME (this is tremendously exciting).  I go in.  I turn around - the most beautiful shade of duck egg blue on the wall (matched to my logo I later discover).  Hours and hours of work - and I get a flood of mixed emotion.  He's worked so hard - he's done this for me and this is it!  The place where its all going to happen - Annalise Harvey Bespoke Bridal Design  is born.  I catch a glimpse of clients to come - my mind is filled with where to put shelves - how to un pack - and tingling excitement at just having my own space - in which to be, and make, and create.

And then a tinge of pressure - of fear, of what if? and how can I? and will I be able to?  The terror of knowing I have to.  Failure is not an option....

Well I must say that was enough for one weekend.  I have spent most of my first day asleep - well I must have needed it!

Life can begin properly tomorrow. 


  1. Oh Annie, how amazing!
    I can't wait to see it - do you have room to display a beautiful hand crafted wedding dress - (the 'Lulu' I think it should be called).
    Sending you all the love, luck and happiness in the world. I'll be glued to your blog to hear about your wonderful new life xx

  2. Oh Annie, what a beautiful post and so exciting!!! You write so beautifully, please blog lots!! Your stuio looks amazing and what a joyful beginning to the best adventure. Love you lots. xxx

  3. I so envy you that studio - a place where you can leave everything and it will still be there tomorrow, exactly as you left it, no need to pack away for dinner or homework or watching the telly!!
    I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture, Annie, and will always come to you first for costume design if I ever do another historical play!

  4. Amazing stuff! A brand new chapter entitled "living the dream". Enjoy every minute!
